Having a loved one who is struggling with addiction is a bewildering experience. Much of the information in the world about being a family with addiction makes it no less bewildering. The current climate around drug addiction means that the chances of death are as high as they have ever been, and the chances of recovery seem as low as they have ever been. So how do we navigate through the darkness?
We cannot promise that apprentices will get sober any more than anyone can. What we can promise is engagement, which goes equally for the apprentice and their families. Our commitment to the family is to be fully engaged in their growth and understanding to whatever extent is needed.
Just as the family dynamic, and needs for an individualized recovery plan, are complex, so too is our approach towards working with families. It is tough to find words to describe our approach, and the process for navigating treatment plans for drug addicts is overrun with empty words. So the simplest thing we can say is to speak with the parents we work with, as all of them have expressed their willingness to share the experience they have had with Making Whole. If that is something you are interested in, we are happy to connect you with any and all of the families we have worked with.